Why Choose VAcertified.com
Empowered by VANA: A Tradition of Excellence
VACertified.com stands distinguished as the premier certification for virtual assistants, uniquely backed by the Virtual Assistant Networking Association (VANA). With a history of empowering VAs since 2003, VANA brings its extensive legacy, expertise, and community support to elevate the VACertified certification beyond the conventional.
Global Standards, Personalized Recognition
Our certification is crafted to meet the demands of today’s global marketplace, focusing on the skills and professionalism clients seek in a VA. It values the entirety of your professional journey, recognizing both academic achievements and real-world experience.
Your Journey Matters
We celebrate the unique path that has led you here, acknowledging the diverse experiences that shape exceptional virtual assistants. Earning the VACertified seal means carrying the endorsement of an organization known for its commitment to the VA profession’s growth and excellence.
Gain the Competitive Edge
With the VACertified seal, you signal to prospective clients your dedication to quality and integrity, offering them confidence in your abilities. This certification is your gateway to standing out in a crowded market, with the support of VANA’s trusted name.
Take the Next Step
Join a network where your skills are recognized and your professionalism is certified. Discover the difference VACertified.com can make in your career as a virtual assistant.