Proudly Display the VAcertified Seal of Approval


Your application to the Virtual Assistant Worldwide Certification program has been accepted. You may now display our VAcertified seal of approval in your marketing materials.

Logos for use on your website:

Virtual Assistant Certified WorldWide Program Copy & paste the following HTML code into your website:
<a href=”Virtual Assistant Certified WorldWide Program”><img src=”” alt=”” width=”125″ height=”154″ border=”0″ /></a>
Copy & paste the following HTML code into your website:
<a href=”Virtual Assistant Certified WorldWide Program”><img src=”” alt=”” width=”150″ height=”185″ border=”0″ /></a>
Virtual Assistant Certified WorldWide Program Copy & paste the following HTML code into your website:
<a href=””><img src=”” alt=”Virtual Assistant Certified WorldWide Program” width=”142″ height=”141″ border=”0″ /></a>

Logo for print materials:

Right-click on the image below and then save this file to your computer for your print materials